Monday, January 23, 2012

New Day. Will have to play on this sometime. Looks like a boring blog. I wonder what other people do to theirs.
Took my dog to the vet today. She is 13 and had to get her rabies shot. She is getting cranky in her old age. They noticed a heart murmur which wasn't there before which isn't a good sign. They did some blood work. Will know the result tomorrow. Do not want to do anything that will make her uncomfortable.
Signing off for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Terri! Thank you for leaving a sweet comment on my blog today. I see you have not posted to your blog for nearly 6 years. I did not find what you shared to be boring - just normal life, and it is good to be reminded about that at times. I'm sure by now, you dear fur child has passed away. Have you a "new" addition to your home now? I would love seeing some of your scrap book pages. I've not done any of those and am looking forward to learning. Thanks again for the sweet comment! hugs, de
